Principal Desk

Prof . K.Sasikumar M.E.,Ph.D*


Prof K.SASIKUMAR M.E.,Ph.D* obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology  and a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University, Tiruchirappalli. He has 17 years of experience in teaching and academic administrations. He has attended more than thirty National and International Conferences and Workshops.


  • To promote the comprehensive development of the institution as the head of the Institution.
  • To recruit the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff based on the requirements of the departments.
  • To depute teaching and technical staff for refreshers courses, higher studies and arranging for suitable training in the campus.
  • To conduct HOD’s meeting at regular intervals to know the state of affairs-both academic and non-academic .
  • To plan for campus placements through training and placement officer.
  • To review results.
  • To instruct the hostel Authorities about the rules to be followed while permitting the students to go outside, including their native places.
  • To go round the class rooms to ensure that the class works are being conducted effectively.
  • To decide the requirements of furniture, lab equipment, staff, additional space, etc., and enlightening the management about the requirement and getting the budget sanctioned.
  • To conduct Fresher’s day, College day, Republic day, Independence day and other functions.
  • To get the budget sanctioned for books and journals.
  • To conduct training program for students and staff engaging proper training experts.